Saturday, October 25, 2014

Can You Smell What the Rock is Cooking....X-men Style!

Dwayne Johnson is rumored to play as Apocalypse in the new X-men film X-Men: Future Apocalypse which is set to release May 18, 2016.

Apocalypse is all about competition and survival of the fittest The Rock will make good for the movie, and bring a lot of intensity to the screen, from his roles in movies like faster, the rundown, doom, and pain and gain he could do a great apocalypse!

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Seventh Season American Idol Contestant Joanne Borgella Dies

Joanne Borgella passed away yesterday after a long battler with a rare form of endometrial cancer that had spread to her brain. She was on of the top 12 girls and top 24 final contestants for the seventh season of American Idol.

Sunday, October 5, 2014

Stand up to Cancer: It's Breast Cancer Awareness Month!

Giant pink ribbon on the corner of 5th and Market,downtown Louisville, KY
by Jason Meredith is Licensed by CC 2.0